Arthrogryposis aids

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Abstract here - a short statement of the need, findings of project and project outcome.

We are designing a tool to help people with Arthrogryposis. We are trying to designing something to help the people with this disease to catch same tools like pencil and spoon.

Team member.png== Team members ==

  • Photo of team
  • team names

From right to left: Khaled Alazmi, Abdalmuhsen Aldhufiri, Saud Almutairi Acknowledge help of others

  • other

Problem Statement/overview of the need

The people who have a Arthrogryposis can't use their hands to grip things, eat, or write.

Design Specifications

1. List of design specifications. Some of these must be quantitative and measurable. You should be able to use these to compare design options.

Background research

1. What exists already, similar products 2. availability 3. identify gaps in existing products or technology to be addressed

Conceptual Design

Summarize your conceptual design process. Develop at least three concepts.

Design Concept 1

1111.png 11111.png 111111.png

  • Description

Magnetic rings with triangle steel.

  • schematics/pictures/drawings
  • estimates on performance/simple calculations if needed

Design Concept 2


  • Description

Rubber ring with 360* Clips

  • schematics/pictures/drawings

Design Concept 3


  • Description

Glove with clips

  • schematics/pictures/drawings

Evaluate concepts/select candidate

Categories Concept 1 Concept 2 Concept 3
Comfortable 9 8 5
Cost 10 9 7
Safety 7 8 9
Appearance 8 7 9

Concept 1= 34 (Best) Concept 2= 32 Concept 3= 30

Detailed Design

We chose the Magnetic rings with triangle steel because the comparison. We think it is the best design for Arthrogryposis.

Description of selected design

1- Three Magnetic rings. 2- Rubber triangle with steel around it. 3-Should wear the rings and put the pin or the spoon in the triangle to hold it in the magnetic side of the rings.

Detailed description of selected design

The three Magnetic rings made of three rubbers with sticked magnatic plates, piece of triangle rubber and sticked steel on it.


Describe three types of analysis to be performed on the design Analysis1.png Analysis2.png

Engineering analysis 2

Analysis3.png Analysis4.png

Engineering analysis 3


CAD Drawings

Insert drawings of all parts and the assembly

Bill of Materials

qty, item, description, source, part number, price

Assembly Instructions

Fabrication Process

Insert pictures of fabrication process

Testing and implementation

Describe testing, delivery, how used/received by the family

Photos of Completed design

Insert pictures of the final product Project.png

Instructions for safe use

Provide a clear summary of safe use for the family. Do not use the device unless supervised by an adult that has been fully understood the safe use of this product.

Project Summary, Reflection

It was good project to work together as team.

We did our best to do a great job.
We hope our design will help the Arthrogryposis people to use their hand
Personal tools
